"I want to share the rich honor and tradition of the fire service through its famed kitchen table. Our food should draw our families and crew together making us linger for just a little longer to tell tall tales, comment on the day, or just share life"
"I want to share the rich honor and tradition of the fire service through its famed kitchen table. Our food should draw our families and crew together making us linger for just a little longer to tell tall tales, comment on the day, or just share life"
is a place where the fast-paced lifestyle of the fire service meets the slow-paced art of cultivating family and crew through the tool that is food. Firehouse fare fuels us for the day, keeps us wanting more and religiously brings us together to break bread and bond. It is the FHC's desire to share our beloved fire service lifestyle and culture through it's wonderfully diverse and time-honored food. Whether a deer caught-in-head-lights rookie or a pressed for time stay-at-home mom, our hope is to inspire you to feel as confident in the kitchen as veteran Firefighter on the fire ground. Ring the bell and come join us!
“People who love to eat are always the best people”
Firehouse designed.
Firehouse tested.
Firehouse approved.
Firehouse designed.
Firehouse tested.
Firehouse approved.
“Show me a firefighter and I’ll show you a happy soul.”
FHC food is designed to be family style, comfort fare that will feed many, simply. With a cuisine as diverse as the fire service, many styles and techniques are forged through the heat of the firehouse kitchen.
FHC food is designed to be family style, comfort fare that will feed many, simply. With a cuisine as diverse as the fire service, many styles and techniques are forged through the heat of the firehouse kitchen.
"The hero is commonly the simplest and obscurest of men and women."
- Henry David Thoreau
"The hero is commonly the simplest and obscurest of men and women."
- Henry David Thoreau